Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Its All in a Day's Work...Motivation & Focus

OK, the question/s of the day are you still blogging and how the heck long were you and your weekend athletes riding at PCK? First, I'm back blogging baby...been a lil busy....a new session with yoga started, tax time and well no excuses, but the "weekend crew" and myself have been lighting up the riding hours and miles. The last statement begs the question.... much? A mere double century on the Computrainer a couple weeks ago, followed by another six hour riding extravaganza last weekend coupled with some Epic training hours during those weeks which included three hour plus runs, two hour swims...blah, blah, blah. Yes, a few of the PCK's riders and I did a few Epic training weeks. Why? It was spring break for some, there was a holiday thrown in there, we're nuts...we're bored...because we, no, no. Because we are building an endurance base for our upcoming goals. These goals include Ironman Louisville, Lake Placid, Florida, "Moab in May"camp and hopefully another century ride Bill B.(hint...hint) amongst others. To quote one of my riders "We are F-O-C-U-S-E-D!"

OK, where am I going with this...two words Motivation and Focus. Let me share some to get you on your journey, put you back on it, or help you start one up.

Hopefully, you get the idea of whats involved in prepping for an Ironman; 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile marathon from the above. Now, take our Epic adventure/ers and bring out the Ironman/women in yourself. Albeit, a 10 mile, 25 mile, 50 mile or 100 mile adventure. The key to doing so is wrapping your head around an event or goal. First, pick your "poison," commit to it by building slowly to your goal i.e., a 6 week riding session at the Performance Center at Knapps. As they say, Rome was not built in a day and neither will your ability to accomplish this current "unachievable."

"Unachievables" are what I like to refer to as your dreams. Call me an optimist, but if you put your mind to it and as is necessary, in the case of cycling, putting your pedal time in...yes, you can achieve almost anything. So, your mind is in check...then what...keep it there! Keep it there by carving out time to sustain your training to reach your goal. I like to schedule my week on a day planner with whiteouts where my training is to take place. You can do the same with your "Crackberry," Post Its, abacus and/or sundial. Once scheduled, be stingy with that time. Do not give it up...its sacred. Yes, wear garlic around the neck to ward off the "vampires," do not let the "lunatics" run the asylum and really lets be serious nobody ever really wants a moment...before you know it your hour or lunchtime workout time has extinguished. Take home message... your day, week or month will be posed with many challenges. Therefore, let the scheduling "focus" your attention.

The journey starts with the first few steps...

...make yours today. Before you know it life will be in a state of "Flow." You will become a better mother/father, boss/coworker, son/daughter or whatever. I challenge you to start today and sign up for an event or announce an "unachievable" publicly so you are accountable!


1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I just learned about a great new website to support pro-bike policies and spread the joy of bikes! Check out! They're collecting one million names in support of a better world for biking -- one that's safer, more convenient, and more appealing for everyone.

    Every day, millions of Americans like us ride for their health, for the environment, for their communities, and for the pure joy of bicycling. But until now, only a tiny fraction of riders have stood up to help improve bicycling in America. is going to change all that. They're building a national movement with the clout and influence to get things done. That means promoting bike riding on an individual level, but also sending a unified message to our elected leaders, the media, and the public that bicycling should have their full support.

    Check out their great new website to take a pledge for biking and learn how you can help:

